Fun stuff from the 2010 picnic!.................................................................................................. RETURN TO THE MAIN INFO PAGE

Watch This Space!

Formerly held in September in Burbank at Johnny Carson Park, the So Cal Corgi Picnic is a free event and a fun way to meet other corgis and their families. A small donation per family is requested to offset costs, including park rental and insurance. Any $$ over is donated to CorgiAid.

Currently ISO a location for the 14th SCCP - possibly Griffith Park.

To be placed on the mailing list, send a simple request to
(This addy dedicated solely to picnic info – NO spam, NO jokes, NO chain letters!)

This blog is the ‘official’ So Cal Corgi Picnic website and will be updated this summer with exact date, location and other info.

Plan to be there - same friends, same fun, same shedding, same food (only fresher!), same games, different location!